

Hello, I’m Kirstie and I’m an artist, writer and illustrator. If In Doubt Create is a home for my creative projects where you can buy my prints, poetry, paintings and books and you can also find out a bit more about what I’m currently working on. I’m really drawn to ideas rather than a particular way of creating so one day I’ll be drawing, the next playing with poetry and the next writing or painting. I’m very much one for following my curiosity. I hope I can encourage you to follow your ideas too and maybe to nurture a creative home of your own.

l’ll share things that catch my eye, as well as a bit about how and why I create and what inspires me on my Musings page. The page will become a mix of music, films, self care advice, podcasts and lots of other lovely things. I hope it’ll be a nice, gentle place to escape to when you need a break or when you’d like a little inspiration.

Creating has always been somewhere that I ‘go’ in times of trouble and different ways of creating have given me solace at different times. Hence, the name If In Doubt Create because it’s where I always return to for comfort and peace of mind. I hope I can help you to find some comfort and calm in creativity too.